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![]() SAM LEE 4th June 1990 To live life differently (: You can mail me at:
sam6790@hotmail.com abi alysson anais andy april benwu berakah brenda crystal edna eunice fadzillah germaine hayati iggie ivan jess jiaqian joanne chua khalilah kelsie kiewyuan kinlai LIFE LONG FRIENDS lionel matthew may miaofeng nadiah pui(alvin) rachel roshini sean sharon sherlyn tany victoria yingnuo zoey(sexy) STATS January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 Bituwin -
Saturday, March 31, 2007
just did this personality test from anais's blog..hahha..i found it pretty cool! :)
![]() You tend to pursue many different activities simultaneously. When misfortune does happen, it doesn't actually dishearten you all that much. You are a direct and forthright person. You like to get to the core of the issue right away, with few signs of hesitation. You like following the rules and being objective. You are precise and meticulous, and like to evaluate decisions before making them. You feel morose and are prone to lethargy.
today's just killing me man..cramps just stop me from doing anything else..but thank god this time isnt so so painful. and...my mum and sis are like watching mr bean in the living room...laughing very very loudly..goodness..i think it's like the 10th time they watched it..hahha
and and..my mum's seriously getting a lappie from school from me..muahaha..i'm a good promoter! :) but i think uh..i gotta pay her back..hahha..so i'm like getting it for myself..except that she paying for it first..hahha..oh well, better than nothing! :) and i'm seriously looking forward to what kind of people god's putting into my life during poly. and i think i'll get lost on the first day, cos it's really really BIG..NYP...here i come..hahha and i was just thinking about friendship. friends we grow up with, or make along the way are all god-given..so, must love one another..hhahha..my hair's like standing on it's ends luh..but seriously, we must all learn to treasure FRIENDSHIP. friend's are for life..i agree..dont you?? hahha :) SAM
Friday, March 30, 2007
well, got up like early to do housework today..i know you cant believe it ..but i did. and right after, i went to uncle charles's clinic to help out for half a day..thanks alot anais :)
at the clinic, i saw this same lady which i saw like 2 months ago, when i helped out at uncle charles's clinic..she was the very same lady who took out her dentures and tried it in front of me..and after she did that, she asked me to help her put it back into the small plastic bag which she used to bring her dentures...oh my tian...hahha..however, she was very nice and polite in a way. the people who visited the clinic were all very nice and polite..and definitely very very tolerant towards me..as i was like super slow luh..trying to figure out where the medicine and medical cards are. just as we were about to be done for the day, 3 adorable children came into the clinic with their maid..and so, i had to "reject" them, thinking that they were "patients"..little did i know that they were uncle charles's children...HAHHA..so pai seh..i even said "sorry, but we are closed for the day, and do you want to make an appointment?" to the maid...ahhhhhh..E-M-B-A-R-R-A-S-S-I-N-G..i tell you..uncle charles was like "sam...they are my family." hahha.. SAM :)
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
ooh yeah..this was saturday(24/3/2007)..i forgot..hahha..HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIAO!!! :)
..it was definitely fun to have celebrated miao feng's birthday..and baking her the beautiful cake secretely the whole afternoon..hahha..we got you! SAM
just got back from SATA at chinatown for a health check-up before entering into NYP..so glad they'll sent the form straight to my school for me..save me the trouble man. and i also just found out how afraid ben choo was when he hears "injection" or "blood-test"..hahha..his expression cracks me up..and yn was like disturbing about it..super funny..hahha. i'm just relieved that there's one thing lesser on my mind..now it's just the online acceptance thingy and the other forms to send over to NYP..my hand feels a little sore after they draw blood from me..or maybe it's just me..hahha.
well, and yesterday, during YC, pastor lilian was talking about us being "dove-like"..as in learn to be more like doves, the good qualities of doves.. and then, there was captain's ball, and this time sherlyn got injured..i think there would be like one person injured every week..hahha..we need to be more careful man. and then after, we had dinner with all the captain ball peeps. dinner was great, we were all crapping around as usual..right after dinner, lionel and i tried the "finger-flick" on each other..after flicking me a few times, he refused to let me "flick" him..tsk tsk..lionel..he'll get it on friday..hahha..and so, i tried this super childish trick on him, and i actually can't believe that i did that..i was like "lionel!!! what's that!!!"..*he just stared at me, stunned. i was like so pai seh, i didn't say anything..till tany exposed me by laughing super loudly..ahhh..embarrassed man.. anyways, today's yn's father's birthday..so HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE!!!..hahha..he was so nice as to bring us to the clinic early in the morning, though it's his day-off..yup. i'm super tired..i think i'm off to nap till dinner time. SAM:)
Thursday, March 22, 2007
back from shopping..bought 2 tees at far east as i after i went to find my aunt to help me fill up some poly forms..ahhh..it's killing me man..so confusing..boo hoo..anyways, at least there was shopping to destress..muahaha :)
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
hahhaha..back from the movies man..it was hilarious..we watch STOMP THE YARD!!! woo hoo..
there was like this 2 groups which were against each other..the WOLFS and the PYTHONS.. so like after the show, me and tany pretended to be like "pythons", while vic and andy were like "wolfs"..hahah..anyways, just so fun to hang out with, andy, ben, jia hao, lionel, matt, sean, tany, emily, may, kelsie, miao, vic, yn and me..big and fun group :) anyways, doubt i can go out of the house tmr..cos i'm sick, and i totally lost my voice..argh... i'm off to bed now man! SAM
Sunday, March 18, 2007
hahha..just got back from granny's house..i got a guitar..and it's blue too..just what i wanted..yay..and..a levis jeans from my aunt..cos she bought a size too big..so it's like brand new..hahha..it's still early to my b'day man..thank you lord!!! :)
anyways, pastor sam came to share today! and he talked about man taking up resposibility, instead of being like "adam"..and women should support..uhm yeah man..i dont wanna repeat what "adam and eve" did. i'm still amazed by his magic trick, btw.. "BEING COOL IS BEING LIKE JESUS" :) SAM
Saturday, March 17, 2007
just came home after the DELICIOUS dinner at YN's hse..thanks ying nuo! :)
thanks alot for what joel and matthew barnett said..ytd and today..hahha :) "God wouldn't ask us to do something in our life that we wouldn't need him or his help, but something that we will definitely need him or his help for." REASONS: to show us that we NEED him in life to have more time to hang out with him HOW TRUE!!! THANK YOU LORD!!! :) and here are some photos we took during the past few day or 3 days to be exact..at the SYNERG!Z "07 youth conference (dream)... *the drummer on the extreme left..is super good...ahhhhh :) ![]() *hahha..matt's girlie post..with the hand..mauhaha! *oops..yn ![]() *eyes small small, mouth BIG BIG. ![]() *looks like they were having loads of FUN! ![]() *vic and i :) ![]() *miao and i ![]() *reggie, me and ben..sorry andy! ![]() *WASSUP?!?!...'mo-mo' language. ![]() *BBQ yesterday was GREAT!!! SAM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Andy, Ben, Pui, Reggie, Miao, Vic, Yn and Me. We were the peeps who went for the SYNERG!Z '07..hahha..proud to declare! :)
JESUS = frog-kisser *dont be mistaken, this is not a bad thing..it just means that we are the "frogs" and jesus, the "frog-kisser"..jesus turned us from a "ugly" frog back to a "handsome prince".. he helps us fufil our dreams and dreams-to-come! >heard this from jeanne mayo..or something like that..i added dreams to come..hahha i was just wondering if our lives were like candles. we'll never know when we'll die-out. so, shine for JESUS as long as we can! :) PUI ATTACKS!!! yn, miao and i were victims of PUI. we were pinched on our cheeks the whole day. tsk tsk tsk...pui..watch out man!! hahha.. i think i better head to bed now, or i wouldnt be able to wake up tmr. SAM
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Nepalese food was yum yum..hahha :) well, tonight was fun..gotta hang out with my small group peeps to eat and crap! and i just cant believe how "lucky" i was to guessed the correct number with only one try during "zhong ji mi ma"..it's like this number game where we are NOT supposed to guess the correct number, otherwise you'll be "punished" by eating the gross mixture of food..hahha.
anyways, getting to hang out was sure fun, and i want to do it some time again! :) SAM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
just got back home from church..hahha..we sang our canto-opera for KY's 89 anniversary today.. i find it kinda funny luh..not the tune of the song, the way people sing it..hahha..hilarious. i had to admit i couldn't like sing it well also luh..duh..cos it's like canto-opera. i love the MUG! :)
and i finally got to play captain's ball with church pple..hahha..having fun and working out at the same time..what could be better. and true enough, accidents do happen. ben injured his left elbow..if i'm not wrong..hope you feel better ben! :) my face feels burnt..ouch. my back's aching. my eyes are about to close any moment. ...i'm super tired..i can break. SAM
Saturday, March 10, 2007
well, aunty may's passing is a great loss to all. first of all, i didnt get the chance to get to know her more. but some how, god put this "we are a family" sense into me. KY is a big family, and so, we are one. "one for all, and all for one!" sounds so clichè..i know..but that's what a family does :)
there's captain's ball tmr..and so, i can exercise..muahaha :) we are supposed to sing..and i'm lost man..boohoo. miao will help me out..hahha SAM
Friday, March 09, 2007
mango and chocolate ICE-CREAM was SHIOooooK!!! hahha :)
though there was no cell tonight, being able to have dinner with church peeps was good. we went back to church to help out with some church anniversary thing on SUNDAY. bought my handphone memory card :) bought a tee..yay! bought stuff to make my necklace..need to learn from you may may! i think i am learning to treasure those around me..hahha :) SAM
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
feeling really bored..so, i decided to try photo-impact out.
i dont really know how to use it man..hahha..anyhow whack. *yn you must teach me..visual com student to-be :) just came home from aljunied together with yn. we went to help out for some 'go fest letters', as reggie needed some extra hands. anyways, i totally enjoyed helping out man. we got to eat chocolates :) and we totally crapped around. pui and andy were just gross man..the both of them together is just extreme..hahha. anyways, just occured to me that i have lots to do on friday. 1. go to the IT fair with miao to get memory card for my phone 2. help reggie out 3. go to fareast to collect miao's notebook and buy stuff to make necklace with yn 4. go to lekning's place for some stuff 5. cell :) everyday is a better day, with something new coming our way! SAM :)
NURSING man..it's confirmed..sometimes, i still think whether i'm up to it..but then, there's always GOD to back me up..he's always there, telling me that i'll be able to do it with him.
So, I CAN DO IT! :) NYP, here i come!!! i got kissed by a mosquito, on my lip. it's like super itchy :( SAM this was taken today :)
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
these photos were taken in china.
Monday, March 05, 2007
back home! haha..china trip was so-so..cos got no shopping..and also because the food was really really salty..people there likes salty food man. anyways, i was wrong about their toilets not having doors..cos there are..but the pple just dun wanna use it. anyways, my trip was just like sight seeing and village stay..the toilet was like not in the house itself..so yeah..it takes me less than 15 mins to bake cake..scary ok.
the best part was that i was able to 放鞭炮 there..haha..all sorts..those that fly and spin..cool man. anyways, for pple who likes 臭豆腐, you can try the "soup kind" there. i didn't eat it btw, my aunt told me it was nice. it stinks so badly. i so miss the food in singapore. pple on the trip with us were also kinda nice..sharing and putting other before themselves..hahah. oh yeah..seafood there was cheap though..the only nice food. i'll update my photos later. glad to be back. SAM:) |