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![]() SAM LEE 4th June 1990 To live life differently (: You can mail me at:
sam6790@hotmail.com abi alysson anais andy april benwu berakah brenda crystal edna eunice fadzillah germaine hayati iggie ivan jess jiaqian joanne chua khalilah kelsie kiewyuan kinlai LIFE LONG FRIENDS lionel matthew may miaofeng nadiah pui(alvin) rachel roshini sean sharon sherlyn tany victoria yingnuo zoey(sexy) STATS January 2007 February 2007 March 2007 April 2007 May 2007 June 2007 July 2007 August 2007 September 2007 October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 Bituwin -
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
whew! the 1000 word essay on "critical thinking" and memory ICA presentation for my group's over..one load down, many many more to come..hahha..but i can do it! with daddy GOD of course..hahha..anyways, i fell ill today..i know i know, what's new..i think it's because i've been sleeping late recently..hahah..sunday, 2.30..monday (ytd), 1...i think i'm getting out of hand..i must sleep by 12 tonight no matter what..hahah..dont wanna get those super dark eye rings back man.
today, after school, i went over to miao's house to have dinner..not at her house but at the prata shop there...the one that pui hates alot...but we just love it..hahah..anyways, it was good catching up a little..girls talk (: i'm so glad GOD placed friends in our lives..not because they are the pple that we can hang out with all the time, but also, pple who tells us when we make mistakes so that we can change for the better..cos that's what true friends do (: SAM
Saturday, June 23, 2007
hahhah..this is stupid..but looks like i'm really bored..
however, this seems to be quite accurate..hahha
How Is Your Inner Child? anyways, that's all i got for now..gotta head to church for BIG HooHa meeting soon! later! (: SAM
hahhaha...i'm really bored now..and the people below my block are like spraying this chemical to get rid of mosquitoes..super stinky..anyways, this is another one from anais' blog..hehhs (:
this is so cool..got it from anais' blog! (:
Which finger are you? SAM
What does being strong mean to you??
i use to think that being strong means that you have the most influencial power OR not sheding tears easily, like a "real man". but now, i realise the true meaning of being strong. being strong means having faith in god. Anyways, i learnt more about what being a family means during teen cell just now. family means no one gets left behind. simple and easy to understand, but i just didnt get it till just now. we are always so close with one another in church, so much that we call ourselves a family. but often, we leave people behind unknowingly. thus, as a family, we should take more notice about each other, making sure that no one gets left behind. it may just be a simple message during the week asking each other how's life or work or school. but this little message of yours may show the person how much you care, and that he or she is not forgotten. Another thing learnt was..god has a plan for each and everyone of us..dont ever think that he'll neglect us. because god is our father, he loves us. just because of one simple reason like that. (: SAM
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Thanks guys for your lovely present on sunday! i seriously appreciate all the effort you guys put in...and this was what i recieved...
*from the thursday gang and a few others: skittles, banana, mentos, chupa chups and esprit cash voucher! (: ![]() *from ben and jackie: and pink kappa tee! (: (front view) hahahah...i really love the present guys..eventhough it's belated and all..i know you all went from place to place to look for a suitable present just for me..so another big THANKS to you all! (:
LOVES, sam.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
the birthday celebration at FISH and CO. was great..eventhough it was the most embarrassing one ever! i had to wear this super duper goofy clownish hat and stand on the chair...and and, the fish and co. crew will sing this song or say this cheer (which totally cracks me up), and after, i have to try to blow my candles on the cake out..which was like so difficult..i mean i'm not very short, so the distance between the candles and my mouth was like very far...especially, when i'm laughing like super hard..i had totally no breath at all man..luckily with good friends like nuo and may..they tried to help me..hahhah (:
i also enjoyed the dinner, it was miao and vic's treat..thanks girls! (: miao did this super cheapo printing of my name on the toilet paper..it was uhm..."annointed"..cos they took it from church..which means the "gift" was like totally free...hahhah..and the ink came from the pen that miao uses like everytime..so i guess it isnt very clean..hahah..she uses that pen to write everywhere and anywhere loh...hahah..so the toilet paper will just be for decoration..ahhaha anyways, just before i end...i wanna say a big THANK YOU to the thursday gang again!!! really thank god for you guys man..without you guys, i wouldnt enjoy life this much i guess..hehhs (: love you guys!!! (: and and and...photos will be up like next week, when i come back from malaysia..and if you were just wondering why i'm there for..i'll be visiting my relatives and do some shopping at the same time..hopefully..hehhs (: LATER! with lots of love, SAM (:
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
THANKS ALOT FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY WISHES AND PRESENTS EVERYONE! you guys have seriously been blessing me! (:
on SUNDAY! jackie and benwu were the first to wish me happy birthday in advance on sunday..and they bought me this pretty pink kappa shirt..and it fits me just nicely.. thanks dudes! (: AND not forgetting aly who also wished me in advance and presenting me with a cute lil' blue elephant..love you lil' girl! (: AND there were also many who wished me in advance..but i kinda forgot..but still wanna say a BIG thank you guys! (: and then...on MONDAY! germaine gave me this beautifully wrapped present..wrapped with many many many layers..it looked like a letter/mail..hahahh..and there was this white esprit shirt inside..i still love it eventhough i already have it! (: good taste..hehhs AND bizhen gave me this red and very cute octopus..hehhs..and 2 packet of my favourite biscuits..which i wanted to take a photo of..but was too hungry..and ate it all up...hahahha (: AND jiaqian gave me ELMO..hehhs..i'm supposed to hang it on my bag, but i kinda think it's a lil' too BIG...hahah..so i put it by my bedside loh..but i love it! (: AND ester and kinlai treated me to hot fudge brownie with ice cream, singing me a birthday song on the way back to the table..yumyum...hehhs (: AND at night, jiahao treated me to dinner and jason treated me to ice cream..although it was a small treat, it seriously blessed me in a BIG way man! (: AND after, back at church, during the meeting for BIG HOOHA games, jeanie and jas sia came back with a small coffee bean cake with a candle on top of it..it was delicious man..super good! (: AND then..there were also people who wished me happy birthday..thanks ALL! (: TODAY! i received more belated birthday wishes..hehhs..but still appreciate it okay! (: AND yati, fadzilah, khalilah and rabiah gave me this super BIG blue bone..it was cute..and very BIG too..so in the end, i had to cab all the way home from church..but i was tired anyways..so lazy to stand on the trian with lots of people..hahha (: AND AND AND thursday gang is going to celebrate my birthday for me on THURSDAY! hahhah..cos vic's in JB for some school trip and miao's having her exams..so i'll have to wait for thursday..but i'm totally cool with it! (: cant wait man..but miao gives me her cheeky laughter..which doesnt make me feel soooo excited anymore..more of scared now..hahhah (: but thinking of hanging out with the gang, makes me feel excited once again! anyways, i shall post the photos another day..off to bed now man! (: (: (: *thank you LORD, for making me special on this very day. SAM |